About P.C.C
P.C.C has accomplished many achievements in VR businesses, software development, hardware development, image analysis, video editing, motion capture and so on.
When it comes to the trendy "VR" (Virtual Reality) businesses, we have been so far offering more than 1000 VR contents shooting, VR editing service, retailing service and so on.
When it comes to the trendy "VR" (Virtual Reality) businesses, we have been so far offering more than 1000 VR contents shooting, VR editing service, retailing service and so on.
Product development
All products are consisted of total balance.
We understand that "practical" products require total balance of entry, analysis, output and generation time.
We are passionate to create "practical" products day by day.
We understand that "practical" products require total balance of entry, analysis, output and generation time.
We are passionate to create "practical" products day by day.
Our service
P.C.C helps clients to create, edit and retail their video contents.
We promise thorough support that covers 2D video, 3D video, 2DVR video and 3DVR video.
We would like to help you to surprise the world and your clients with our system.
We promise thorough support that covers 2D video, 3D video, 2DVR video and 3DVR video.
We would like to help you to surprise the world and your clients with our system.
P.C.C's "Virtual Reality" services

P.C.C has ever shot, edited and retailed more than 1000 VR contents so far, which is one of the highest numbers of VR contents productions in Japan.
We develop all tools necessary for shooting to retailing by ourselves, which enables us to thoroughly reflect clients' needs on our products in as short creation period as possible.
We also offer rental service of VR shooting tools and some other services. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested to create your original contents with us!
We develop all tools necessary for shooting to retailing by ourselves, which enables us to thoroughly reflect clients' needs on our products in as short creation period as possible.
We also offer rental service of VR shooting tools and some other services. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested to create your original contents with us!